Why it’s okay to ask for help with shifting
We’ve all been there after countless hours of scrolling on TikTok, Tumblr or even the subforums of Reddit trying to find the answers we so desperately need. From generalized questions in the beginning of our shifting journey all the way to very specific, almost niche, questions about shifting. So now, we’re in a rut…
We’ve done all we could with the limited information, or went through all of the information without speaking to someone.
So, what do we do?
The one thing that has helped multiple shifters, or anyone within the shifting community, is being able to talk to someone about their experience and asking for help! Yes, of course, shifting is a personal journey that no one can accompany with you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t receive help or input that could help advance your journey.
Think about when you first heard shifting: Did you find it through book references, the internet, or a person?
“But TJ, I don’t know if I can talk to someone about these questions! What if they’re stupid or redundant?”
Well, Sweet Reader, let me explain why that question itself isn’t stupid, nor is a question to worry about. We’ve all started from a place of ignorance on what shifting is—a place of curiosity and the unknown. Little by little we’ve made many steps toward understanding more about this gift that we’ve been able to perform. It all started somewhere: A question, a thought, a theory, and a practice. None of us would be able to be where we are in our shifting journey if it weren’t for the ability to speak to someone with experience, or ask them personalized questions about it.
“So, I can talk to people an ask them questions. That’s all I really need right?”
Fair point, Sweet Reader, but let me break down a few reasons why there’s so much more to a community such as ours.
“I would tell myself that it’s so important to ask for help because it serves as an importance that shifting as a community is crucial. Everyone has their way of shifting; everything is different for the Shifter, and it helps to establish the community part of Shifting. It establishes it as not seeing it as a solo journey, as each shifter is there and there for you. At the end of the day, it’s a community; it’s not random, it’s a practice, and people who have practices have a community. If you feel stale, you’re not going out and asking for help it’s important to know you’re not alone.” — Dee
In a world of possibilities, it can almost seem overwhelming on who you want to be, or where you want to go. Of course, maybe it’s not so hard to figure out what kind of DR you want to shift to, but there could be so many questions you have: Who can I be? What do I want to do? How can I save someone from my favorite movie/TV series from…circumstances? A community of those with experience, or knowledge, can guide you through the ups and downs of scripting and even have solutions to questions you have that you didn’t even think of! I can’t tell you how many Shifters have helped me modify a script, or given me an idea, or maybe even a scenario I wouldn’t have thought of.
For some, shifting was nearly immediate, while others (me included) have had the “trial and error” shifting journey once we’ve started. Because of this, it’s almost easier to feel discourage, doubtful and even play with the idea of giving up. While breaks are encouraged, it’s important to not give up, and there’s nothing more helpful than asking for that kind of help. As a community we’ve all been there a time or two, or three and more, where we’ve dealt with our low points about shifting, but the motivation from others just by asking out and asking for help can do wonders on refocusing your motivations.
Community building
We all come from different walks of life, but the one thing we have in common is our desire to shift, our beliefs behind shifting, and our involvement with it. It’s a rarity to meet another shifter in real life. So, as a mainly online community, it’s important to realize we have each other’s backs. Anti-Shifters, or nonbelievers, tend to have very loud opinions about why they don’t believe and often times it can harm us in our shifting journeys. However, it’s important to remember the new faces that you meet who understand what we’re trying to achieve, and understand what it’s like to be an outcast for those beliefs. Within this community you will find anyone who is willing to help, support, and validate what we all know to be true; it’s a strange little family, so to speak.
Word of mouth can be so helpful in shifting. But, if you’ve exhausted every route you can think of, it might be time to ask for help or knowledge from someone else. Most of the research I have personally delved into was always an eye-opener just because I always thought I had reached a threshold on what I could find. However, some thoughtful and insightful shifter would always come around to (gratefully) prove me wrong.
You were able to enter void state? Hurray! You were able to mediate, or even lucid dream, and had vivid success? Amazing! You shifted to your DR? I’d be ecstatic for you! We all have one goal in mind, a variation of that goal, but the point is the same—happiness, success and the ability to experience something more than the life we have here in our CR. The support that fellow shifters can give to each other can only hype you even more in your journey, so it’s important to understand that we are all here for each other through the ups and downs.
Overall, we all want the same thing: An opportunity to experience something incredible, and to achieve that we must be able to rely on each other for different reasons. Like I said before, we’re all doing this for different reasons. But in a sense, we are doing it together. The fear of asking the wrong thing isn’t real. How else are going to understand this amazing gift if we don’t ask for help?
Something I implore for each of you to consider what could be an amazing tool is also…
Tarot readings.
Personal messages from your S/O, your friends, or family in your DR could help with the inspiration, motivation, and even support aspect. Every person that I met who has had the opportunity to receive a personal message from those in their DR has always enjoyed the experience.
Not only this, but sometimes a tarot reading can help get to the nitty-gritty of our blockages in our journey. I can’t tell you how incredible the progress for my own personal Shifting journey has had since I’ve focused on shadow work, chakra healings, and internal reflection. The leaps and bounds you can take when you reach out and ask for help in any form can always benefit you!
“Being connected to a group of people who understand the struggles and success of our amazing gift only validates that Shifting isn’t necessarily a solo journey. We’re humans, and we rely on others to help enhance our lives, so asking for help is the most natural, and helpful thing we can do for each other.” —TJ