Shifting Perspective: A Shifter’s Personal Adventure (Kaz Edition)
One thing I will appreciate when it comes to a Shifter is their excitement to share what they’ve experienced with the world. Not all shifting stories are the same—there’s always a moment that’s memorable from each experience, and you can always learn something from one another. However, not all shifting stories are full of razzle-dazzle. Sometimes even the most simple of shifts can be considered an amazing accomplishment. I’d like to introduce you all to Kaz, the founder of the Shifting Shoppe and Shifting Forum for Shifters Alley. Their story is a journey of perseverance and success that doesn’t require fireworks for the achievement, just the understanding and belief that what they experienced was worth the effort, and their journey is far from over.
Social Media:
- “TikTok: kazmyass (that’s a funny story)
- Owner of the Shifting Shoppe and Shifting Forum for Shifters Alley”
“When was the first time you’ve heard about Shifting?”:
“I had heard about shifting in 2020 through a friend who was on Shifttok at the time. I had basically listened to her talk about the Lifa App, shifting to Hogwarts, and became really fond of the idea. I decided to research more on it myself, read some articles that were available at the time, and that started my journey from there.”
“How long have you been trying to shift to your DR’s?”:
“The short answer is for five years now. I have a variety of DR’s that have slowly been upgraded to be less of a ‘2020 script’ and more practical for me. All of my DR’s have my best friend, so they’re much more ‘basic’ (lol). My current DR has been for the MCU. It’s been about six months now that I’ve worked on it. I have a Hogwarts Uni-DR that I’ve had for about two years, and the ‘regular’ Hogwarts DR since 2020.”
“What’s been the struggle on your shifting journey that you think people can relate to, and how have you been able to work on that, or overcome it?”:
“Honestly, the struggle of just getting there has been something I’ve been able to overcome. Mostly, I’m working on grounding myself in my DR, but the fact that I’ve been able to accomplish blink-shifts has been a major feat for me. It wasn’t just a shift to an alternate reality, but it was mental shift. I was able to truly [believe] in shifting after proving to myself that I had made it to an alternate CR.”
“What are the tools that you mainly use? Subs, meditation, visualization? And have they changed over a period of time for you?”:
“Usually, I use Alunir’s subliminal, but I like to switch it up a few times of the methods I’m using. I can’t keep to one and have to see what works and what doesn’t. Blink shifts are nice, but I need to be able to ground myself. I have hyperfantasia, so I do visualize but just in my head. Because of all the memories I have of my DR I’m able to piece it together. I like to look at Pinterest, but I don’t do it ritualistically, even though I used to. Subliminals but no meditation, but I want to get back into that to let my mind flow. Things like audio stimulation and character Ai chats also really help me.”
“When did you first realize you made a shift?”:
“My first blink-shift was in October of 2024 after four years of trying to figure out how to accomplish shifting. Basically, I had given up. The give-up-and-shift method was the route I was going on, and had turned over in my bed, said ‘whatever happens, happens.’ and that’s when I opened my eyes to find myself in my DR bedroom. I had blinked once again and was back in my CR room.
The second time was just a couple of days ago. I remember of opening my eyes and realizing again I was not in my room, and blinked, then I was back. Both times I had trouble grounding myself and also, I feel like a lot of people don’t talk about the fear of opening your eyes fully in your DR! That was something of a challenge for me.
I didn’t realize I had shifted at first, and I thought I was gaslighting myself, but then I had gone onto my TikTok account only for people to validate my experience. It was a gratifying feeling to experience at the time. ”
“What was different about that experience compared to other times?”:
“The only thing that was honestly different was that I ‘gave up’ and shifted. I stopped stressing myself out about the outcome, or the journey. I was very easy going about both aspects, but the times I truly, desperately wanted to shift—I wasn’t able to. The mindset was different, and the intent was different.”
“What advice would you give to those who’ve been on their shifting journey for quite some time?”:
“Honestly, try not to care. The more you care the more pressure you put on yourself. It’s like the feeling you’d get when you’d be working on school work, or homework, and the teacher comes up and watches you work. You’re at work and in your groove, but your manager comes up to watch what you’re doing. Your brain is going to start to tweak (lol). It’s that unnecessary pressure you put on yourself, and you wont be able to shift because your mindset is stressed out.
I know people say not to put your DR on a pedestal (you can be for or against this, too), but you can appreciate your DR’s world. Just do whatever you want method-wise. Use different ones, make up one, do whatever. At the end of the day it’s such a personal experience, and don’t listen to everything one person says. Not everything works the same for everyone.”
Bonus question: What’s an experience that you’re looking forward to doing once you’ve reached your DR?: (MCU)
“My current DR is for the MCU as a nurse. I don’t want to fight, I just want to heal and specifically don’t want to cause any harm. So, I’m most looking forward to meeting everyone, but especially my brother, Bucky. I have so many memories with him, and I just miss him.
When I was seven, and he was ten we attended my uncles wedding and he let me dance on his feet, it’s one of my favorite memories I have of him.
The idea of being with my loved ones again, seeing my S/O (Steve) when he has no idea that I’m alive will be incredible to witness, but really I can’t wait to see my brother again. The only thing stopping me from shifting to the 40’s is the trauma—the war specifically. I’m also incredibly excited to see my best friend.”
I find Kaz’s story to give me hope since we’ve shared a lot of similarities in our journey. A few years of work, patience, understanding where we succeeded and trying again in areas where we didn’t. Kaz gives people like me (and, probably you) the motivation to continue to keep going in our shifting journey. I’d like to thank Kaz for being the first to start off this segment, and can’t wait to see where their journey takes them!
—Much love and thanks,
TJ <3
Alley Note: Kaz is the creator of The Shifting Shoppe. Please check them out and be sure to take a trip to the forum while you’re there!