we asked some shifters why they love their s/o’s, and here’s what they said:

To start off this newsletter—I wanna say Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you have a special person in this reality or another, give them a big smooch! (Even if that means a cardboard cut-out…)

For this newsletter, we decided to dive into the community and ask many shifters as to why they love their significant other’s and now, well…we’re going to write about it! Hopefully you can find some motivation for this Valentine’s Day, or even some comfort if you’re missing your S/O. Just be sure to read until the end, we have a special treat for you…

Without further ado….

  1. “He’s the only one who sees my broken parts and doesn’t immediately start running. He sees the parts of me that have scared other people, the dark, twisted parts I try to hide, the parts that make me feel like a monster, and he loves those parts of me the hardest. He doesn't just love the good or pretty parts of me; he loves the parts of myself that I can’t bring myself to love. He taught me what love is, and he taught me to never take anything less than what I deserve in life.” - Quinn

  2. “He isn’t perfect. ‘Well why are you with him?’ It wasn’t a choice but is the best thing that ever happened. He isn’t perfect but his flaws are what make him better. Everyone who calls him a villain doesn’t know him. He hurts people because it’s a job. He even if it job is to hurt people, he hurt people that are bad. He wouldn’t hurt someone he trusts, he treats women like there human. His mom, me as his wife, my friends because one is his sister-in-law, my auntie. Everyone who tells me he is bad doesn’t know him like me.” - Kendra

  3. “Mine is the fact that he will try to do everything in his power to make things right, to show who his true intentions are and will protect anyone he cares about. He has an uncanny ability to hold himself responsible, even to a fault. He's genuinely so loyal and true to the people he cares about, and I love that about him.” - TJ

  4. “I love my s/o because he understands deeply, and just because he exists.” - JJ

  5. “I love Loki because he always knows when I need a break and encourages me to ask others for help instead of putting it on myself. One time he said ‘I know you don’t need it, but you deserve it,’ when I told him I don’t need anyone’s help.” - Anna

  6. “Seori and I love my s/o cuz duh, what isn’t there to love about him!! He’s wonderful and caring and has all of my upmost trust.” - Norman

  7. “He gives big bear hugs, and because he’s 6'2 his hugs just envelope me.” - Kaz

  8. “I love my s/o because he exists. Yeah, because he’s my boyfriend and does all that stuff but he’s so much more than what he is/can do for me. I love to watch him feel and experience and be, and I’m so happy I get to watch him bloom into the person he’s always wanted to be. And because he loves me the same way!” - Amara

  9. “I love him because he actually pays attention to me and he’s very protective and he loves me.” - Andi

  10. “I love my s/o because he’s real and genuine. He doesn’t hide his true feelings for the camera and I find comfort in him. He’s also not afraid to be different than other people.” — Rain Ruby Jane

  11. “I love my s/o because he listens to others well and is kind. Sometimes when we talk I feel like he’s fully focused on me. He’s also so sweet and I love seeing his happier side.” — Eden

  12. “I love him because despite the world being unfair to him, he still tries. I love the way he loves so passionately, so loyally, and so deeply. He is a protector through and through, and I know I can always depend on him when I need it. He embodies everything I look for in a partner, and I’m so glad that shifting has given me the chance to be able to show him love when the world has made him miss out on so much. And for that, I will love him indefinitely with my whole heart.” - Dee

Such beautiful words from so many shifters—and let’s all be thankful for shifting for allowing us to love people universally. Here at Shifters Alley, we wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and to receive so much love! Now, for our surprise…

If you all don’t know, our sister-site The Shifting Shoppe is currently having great Valentine’s Day deals. Use the code valentines25 for 25% off select items on the “On-sale Collection”! Here are some of our top picks for this Valentine’s Day:

  • Channeled Crochet Flower Bouquet from Your Desired Reality

  • Date Night with Your S/O Care Package

  • Love Language Gift from Your S/O

  • S/O Shifting Charm Bracelet

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day, and make sure to stop by The Shifting Shoppe for a fun V-Day splurge!


30 date ideas and romantic scenarios to script into your dr


Shifting Perspective: A Shifter’s Personal Adventure (Kaz Edition)